The Responsibility of Medical Personnel in Relation to Abortion Malpractice

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Hamzanwadi Hamzanwadi
Adi Herisasono
Rafadi Khan Khayru
Solchan Ghozali
Fayola Issalillah
Mirza Elmy Safira
Roidatus Shofiyah


Abortion in Indonesia is a controversial issue that triggers heated social, moral and legal debates. Although Law No. 36/2009 on Health regulates abortion, illegal abortion practices are still rampant, endangering women's health. The existing regulations are ambiguous and do not fully accommodate the needs of women. This study uses descriptive analysis and literature review to examine legal issues related to abortion malpractice by medical personnel. The results show that regulation implementation is not optimal, access to safe abortion services is limited, and social stigma remains strong. Legal solutions to prevent illegal abortion include improving education and training for medical personnel, strengthening regulations and supervision, and increasing access to safe and legal reproductive health services. These efforts are expected to protect women's rights, enforce the law, and improve the quality of reproductive health services in Indonesia.

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